Sunday 20 March 2016

Nanobots by DonAndre

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Microscopic robots or Nanobots 

Nanotechnology is improving in the last years  it is expected that in the mid -2020s. One of many breakthroughs  will be in the medical uses. Using  nanobots with their  tiny size  they will enable to reach places in the human body that were simply unthinkable or too delicate for conventional instruments to operate on.
The main use of nanobots in the medicine will be as tiny surgeons, virus eliminators and health regulators , it will be possible to detect tumours earlier than ever before and to target them with far more precision. 
In the 2030s, most of cancers may be cured as a result of the amazing improvement of nanotechnology. Even patients who would previously have been classed as terminally ill could routinely be saved. Monitoring heart conditions, neurological disorders and many other illnesses would also would be  neutralize.

How would nanobots be built?

The nanobots would be built on a molecule-by-molecule basis by specialized factories, using positionally-controlled devices to créate them. Each robot will move or drive itself using tiny motors and will come equipped with microscopic sensors with artificial intelligence and also an communication device to control them manually.

Conclusion coming sooon…..

 Eventually robots will improve humans standard of living. 
Robots can be used to help humans but we must no forget our ethic ideals because we can,t reach evolution or inovation without taking risk of losing human life so we must learn that a true improvement will take time and  some sacrafices.

Nanotechnology for Targeted Cancer Therapy 


 video taken from youtube posted by FGRGAnimation

Other uses for Nanotechnology  That will Blow Your Mind

video taken from youtube posted byTech Guru


  1. What's the subject of "Measuring just a few nanometres across are expected ..."?
    Excellent article Andre. However, not very original. You should use information on the Internet to inspire you. You may not sign a post on a blog when paragraphs are literally taken from other sites... (


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