Tuesday, 15 March 2016

THE FUTURE OF FOOD IN 2050 (By Patricia)

In 2050, due to global population growth, there will be many problems of famine worldwide. The world will have to discover new ways to produce. This is my vision for the future of food on Earth.

First, food will be created in laboratories. There will be mass production of hamburgers and other meat from stem cells of animals such as pigs, cows, etc. Food will be also artificially created thanks to 3D printers, using the ingredients previously powder as "ink". This will save a lot of space for ingredients and preparation time.

Another trend will be the encapsulated food. The food will be bought in pills that will contain the original food turned into dust. Although very similar to the original flavor, it will not be as authentic as the original one.

Out of the laboratories, there will be another kind of food that is already eaten nowdays but that will have a special importance in the future. Insects will have their place in our kitchens. Due to the shortage of animals to feed the entire world population, insects will be a common food in our diets. They are rich in protein and low in fat.
Seaweeds, thanks to its easiness to be cultivated (they grow under the sea and don’t need lands where to cultivate them or fresh water), will be a very used ingredient too.

Finally, a lot of people will cultivate their food. Vegetables and fruits will grow in our personal orchards looking for healthy food and due to the global shortage of this one.

In conclusion, there will be food shortages and this will change some of our eating habits. There will appear new ways to feed ourselves and others will be maintained. The world will create new ways of producing food to fit the constraints they will face.


  1. "...new ways to produce This is..." What kind of production? Do we need a full stop here?
    "...turned to dust ..." better "powder".
    "Even been very similar..." Better "Although very similar..."
    "...a lot of people will cultivate its own food..." "their" food.
    "where be cultivated ...". Consider changing "be".
    "The world will create new ways..." The world or we will?


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