Wednesday 20 April 2016

Lenguage in 2050

In 50 years, situation will not change a lot regarding the languages,  language is the
culture of each country, and they will not want lose it, who will want lose their native language, it will be like lose once of your mains customs, but, even so, with passing of the time the English, obiusly, will be globalize arround the world.

It is very useful to be able to understand everyone wherever you go, it will be a great
advance doubtlessly, but it is something that is to far, the old generations dont want to learn
idioms while the most of youngs see it like a waste time.

To reach this target we need a mentality change and a lot of time.

Image by:

Sunday 10 April 2016

Transport in 2050 by Ricardo Gomez

We always have wondered how the cars will be in the future, will they fly? Will they work alone?
Cars have changed very much in the last decade, but not so much like in order that they fly in 2050. And they are not equal to the futurist vehicles of the movies.


Environmentally friendly cars

All new cars to be zero emissions vehicles, to achieve this, cars includes battery electric, plug-in hybrid and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

New materials
In the future we will be able to use materials like Nitride of rennet and silicon carbide for their use in electrical and hybrid vehicles.

Automatic driving
Automobile in 2050 will be self-driving. Companies are working on concepts allowing cars to cruise along on the highway without driver intervention, many of which are likely to be seen on our roads. Driving is likely to get much safer and also much more 
CC BY 2.0


Wednesday 6 April 2016

Transport in 2050 By Bettiana

Here, I'm going to introduce some predictions about flying in the future:

The planes of the future will have zones dedicated to relaxing and playing games, panoramic windows and seats that collect our body heat to power in-cabin features, according to Airbus.

Predicting what travel will be like in 2050, the plane passengers will be able to relax in massage seats that also serve drinks and vitamins as needed and provide either a sea breeze or a scent of fresh pine and sound showers will ease passengers into the perfect sleep, snug in the warm embrace of special shades to keep out the light.

For those who prefer a view, the plane will be made up of panoramic windows, which can become transparent at the wave of a hand or remain opaque in certain areas thanks to an integrated neural network which can detect and respond to the specific needs of each passenger.

The cabin's bionic structure will be based on the bone structure of a bird to keep it light but strong.
It would then be coated with a biopolymer membrane, which controls the amount of natural light, humidity and temperature, providing opacity or transparency on command and eliminating the need for windows.

                                          Image taken from

Sunday 20 March 2016

Nanobots by DonAndre

                                Image via

Microscopic robots or Nanobots 

Nanotechnology is improving in the last years  it is expected that in the mid -2020s. One of many breakthroughs  will be in the medical uses. Using  nanobots with their  tiny size  they will enable to reach places in the human body that were simply unthinkable or too delicate for conventional instruments to operate on.
The main use of nanobots in the medicine will be as tiny surgeons, virus eliminators and health regulators , it will be possible to detect tumours earlier than ever before and to target them with far more precision. 
In the 2030s, most of cancers may be cured as a result of the amazing improvement of nanotechnology. Even patients who would previously have been classed as terminally ill could routinely be saved. Monitoring heart conditions, neurological disorders and many other illnesses would also would be  neutralize.

How would nanobots be built?

The nanobots would be built on a molecule-by-molecule basis by specialized factories, using positionally-controlled devices to créate them. Each robot will move or drive itself using tiny motors and will come equipped with microscopic sensors with artificial intelligence and also an communication device to control them manually.

Conclusion coming sooon…..

 Eventually robots will improve humans standard of living. 
Robots can be used to help humans but we must no forget our ethic ideals because we can,t reach evolution or inovation without taking risk of losing human life so we must learn that a true improvement will take time and  some sacrafices.

Nanotechnology for Targeted Cancer Therapy 


 video taken from youtube posted by FGRGAnimation

Other uses for Nanotechnology  That will Blow Your Mind

video taken from youtube posted byTech Guru

Wednesday 16 March 2016

The Age of Voiceless Conversations

Project Glass de Google es que el dispositivo montado en cabeza llevará a la tecnología incorporada. Esta tecnología permitirá a los usuarios escuchar el audio sin la necesidad de auriculares o altavoces desde el dispositivo, simplemente por el contacto del dispositivo con la cabeza. Sonido, directamente en el cráneo.

Esto significa que, con el uso del dispositivo que va a ser capaz de oír música, canciones, o lo que alguien que esté hablando con a través de Internet está diciendo sin enchufar nada en mis oídos. Usted será capaz de escuchar a alguien o algo sin la necesidad de que nadie a su alrededor para saber o darse cuenta de ello. Suena como la tecnología de James Bond, pero, muy pronto, estaremos dispositivos que nos permiten hacer exactamente por encima de la compra, desde la más cercana tecnología-tienda en nuestros pueblos y ciudades, en todo el mundo.

La desventaja aún sería que si desea responder a alguien que habla contigo, todavía es necesario el uso de la voz para contestar a su interlocutor, incluso si usted es capaz de escuchar en forma discreta a través de Google Glasses.

El siguiente paso en la evolución tecnológica después inalámbrico y manos libres es ir sin voz. ¿Cómo? Se piensa en ello, el dispositivo informático detecta y lo lee, y sigue sus pensamientos como instrucciones. Nos guste o no, lo creas o no, todo lo que tiene que hacer es Google que, al descubrir que existe tecnología de lectura de la mente en la actualidad. No es ciencia ficción.

La neuroimagen se puede utilizar para recoger los algoritmos de la actividad cerebral, que pueden ser decodificados para identificar las palabras más específicamente, las palabras que se piensan. Estas palabras se pueden traducir en formas comprensibles para la comunicación.
Usted será capaz de instruir consciente de que mediante el uso de dispositivos informáticos de sus pensamientos, del mismo modo que ahora instruya a su ordenador portátil o un teléfono inteligente con los dedos.

Los dispositivos de manera que habla por el control de la mente va a trabajar es simple, aunque la tecnología utilizada será muy complicado. Usted pensará que sus palabras y frases tal como lo hace en una conversación normal en su vida diaria cuando se reúna con la gente cara a cara. El dispositivo informático va a recoger sus pensamientos, suministrar una voz audible para ellos, y transmitir la voz sobre la red. La persona con la que está conversando con oirán la voz mediante altavoces en su cabeza. A partir de entonces la persona en el otro extremo responderá de la misma manera. El punto interesante es que si usted está en un espacio lleno de gente, y que desea tener una conversación privada con una persona al lado de usted, usted será capaz de hacerlo a través de esta tecnología. Nadie en el mundo necesita saber que usted está hablando el uno al otro. Básicamente, esta será una forma de telepatía.

Agradecimiento a Harish Shah de

Robots in 2050 by Mariano Saura

An artificial intelligence find predicts that robot will make such dramatic advances in coming years that humans will be marrying robots by year 2050.

Extracted via technocrazed.
We have big progress. On the one hand. David Levy, a British artificial intelligence researcher said that robots will become so human like having intelligent conversations, also displaying emotions and responding to human emotions that they'll be very much like a new race of people.

The construction that kind of robot will be much simpler than building a robot that could be a good human companion, though. Levy said the biggest advancement in robotics will come in the form of enabling a robot to move on an interesting conversation, have self-awareness and emotional capabilities.

Extracted via fayerwayer

On the other hand. A new breed of super humans and autonomous combat robots will be two of the key features of the battlefield in 2050, according to a new report summarizing the findings of a U.S. Army-sponsored workshop. Humans will be in the minority on the 2050 battleground.

Robots will commonly operate in teams or swarms in the battlespace of 2050 in the same. These self-organized and/or collaborative collections of robots would operate with varying degrees of freedoms (from being actively managed to being autonomous) under dynamically established rules of engagement/priorities. Robot swarms and teams (as well as individual robots) would be assigned a variety of tasks.

In conclusion, robot more like us so human like having intelligent conversations and other use is the autonomous combat.

The sports in the future by Alejandro

Sports in 2050 will be one of the practices most used for people of all conditions to improve their health and too for  increasing their self-esteem. In thirty four years one of the most popular sports will be running, which will  evolvup to fully control our activity. Other popular sports that will be basketball and football that will evolve that  appear other sports. For example quiddich that will be  very popular sport among the young people.

Warriors at Wizards 02/24/15 CC BY-SA 2.0

One of the sports mentioned above, football, will not  need  referees. They will be replace by robots, which will not fail during games. Also the Robots will play a match against the champion of the world cup. Which I  bet that  the robots beat to the world cup champion.
Another also popular sport will be basketball, it will be  controlled  by the  technology and will put a chip to control  inside the balloon for control   when  the ball enters in the basket. Besides side in this sport will implemented the four points beacuse of the record and the legacy from Stephen Curry. That  will be better than Michael Jordan.

In conclusion , sports will change a lot in the next thirty four years for the advances technological. This advanes will involve in  the emergence of new sports for example the quidich. Moreover   the rules will change in a lot sports. This rules will have a great control thanks to the intelligence artificial that replace to the current refrees.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

The Electronic Future is Near - By Salvador

via Realychic

In the future, electronics will be present in most fields from medicine, domotic, industry, communication, also in human routine life. Electronic circuits will be made with graphene. This material will permit to have complexes forms.

Image by Apple via

Holograms will be utilized for many applications, for example, in applications communications. The device will create a hologram menu, and the user will be able to interact with the device.

Image by Holo Lens © Microsoft via

Computers will be destined to be used by many users at the same time. Computers will use interactive hologram. Artificial intelligence will be used in domotic houses. This will store all our preferences for a better service.

Image by TRISTAR PICTURES via Despertar al Futuro

Electronics is present in the robotic field. This field will be revolutionized in control of movement, artificial vision and humanization of robots. In the industry, robots will work in all dangerous tasks.


In conclusion, electronics field will become  a basic and important science  in 2050. Electronics designed will be used for a more comfortable and easy life.

THE FUTURE OF FOOD IN 2050 (By Patricia)

In 2050, due to global population growth, there will be many problems of famine worldwide. The world will have to discover new ways to produce. This is my vision for the future of food on Earth.

First, food will be created in laboratories. There will be mass production of hamburgers and other meat from stem cells of animals such as pigs, cows, etc. Food will be also artificially created thanks to 3D printers, using the ingredients previously powder as "ink". This will save a lot of space for ingredients and preparation time.

Another trend will be the encapsulated food. The food will be bought in pills that will contain the original food turned into dust. Although very similar to the original flavor, it will not be as authentic as the original one.

Out of the laboratories, there will be another kind of food that is already eaten nowdays but that will have a special importance in the future. Insects will have their place in our kitchens. Due to the shortage of animals to feed the entire world population, insects will be a common food in our diets. They are rich in protein and low in fat.
Seaweeds, thanks to its easiness to be cultivated (they grow under the sea and don’t need lands where to cultivate them or fresh water), will be a very used ingredient too.

Finally, a lot of people will cultivate their food. Vegetables and fruits will grow in our personal orchards looking for healthy food and due to the global shortage of this one.

In conclusion, there will be food shortages and this will change some of our eating habits. There will appear new ways to feed ourselves and others will be maintained. The world will create new ways of producing food to fit the constraints they will face.